2020 - Volume 3 [Issue 1]

Case Report

Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma with Cervical Metastases after Prolonged Remission Period

Hanzali Jumastapha, Sakina Ghauth

Page: 67-71

The Solitary Fibrous Tumor with Unusual Retroperitoneal Localization

Taoufik Elabbassi, Karim Yaqine, Mohamed Asmar, Mohamed Rachid Lefriyekh

Page: 6-11

Perforation of Gallbladder Due to Ingested Foreign Body (Unabsorbed Pill) in a Case of Cholecystoduodenal Fistula: A Case Report

Amritanshu Saurabh, Rohit Chauhan, Tayod Kumar Choudhary, Prashant Deo Ranjan

Page: 158-162

Percutaneous Extraction of a Foreign Body in an Obstructed Transplanted Kidney

Abdolsalam Ahmadi, Akbar Jalal, Mohamed Mubarak, Husain Al Aradi

Page: 96-101

The Ectopic Accessory Thyroid: About A Case

Taoufik Elabbassi, Amine Bachar, Mohamed Ouchane, Mohamed Rachid Lefriyekh

Page: 72-75

Ileo-colo-rectal Intussusception Secondary of Cecal Lipoma Simulating Strangulated Rectal Prolapse

Fatimazahra Bensardi, Issam Hamrerras, Abdelillah El Bakouri, Khalid El Hattabi, Abdelaziz Fadil

Page: 23-27

Gastro-tracheal Fistula: A Rare Late Complication Following Laryngo-Pharyngo-Esophagectomy

G. Lakshmi Narayana, V. Shruti, M. Vikash, C. S. Mani

Page: 130-133

Congenital Small Bowel Syndrome

Saeed Al Hindi, Husain Al Aradi, Noor Al Hashimi, Mohamed Mubarak

Page: 28-31

A Rare Large Cystic Tumour of Pancreas – A Case Report and Literature Review

Maheswaran Pitchaimuthu, Selvakumar Balakrishnan

Page: 119-125

Visceral Leishmaniasis with Breast Involvement in the Pediatric Population

Saeed Al Hindi, Husain Al Aradi, Noor Al Hashimi, Mohamed Mubarak

Page: 38-42

Cervical Spinal Intramedullary Metastasis of Ovarian Adenocarcinoma: A Case Report

B. Soylemez, U. Ozum, R. Egilmez

Page: 43-46

Case Study

Unusual Cause of Colonic Occlusion: Large, Twisted Ovarian Cyst Compressing the Sigmoid Colon

Abdelilah Elbakouri, Amine Bachar, Abdessamad Elazhary, Khalid Elhattabi, Fatimazahra Bensardi, Abdelaziz Fadil

Page: 76-79

A Case of Retained Guidewire Spontaneous Emerging from Skin Near Right Knee 8 Months after Central Venous Catheterization

Ram Singh Choudhary, Nimish J. Shah, Abhay Audichya, Rajvee Gohil

Page: 32-37

A Case Report on Amyand’s Hernia

J. Lamghari, B. Daif, M. Bouali, A. Elbakouri, F. Z. Bensardi, K. Elhattabi, A. Fadil

Page: 126-129

Ileoileal Intussusception Due to Ectopic Pancreas Mimicking as Lipoma: A Case Report

L. Soundara Rajan, Ajay Gulati, Kim Vaiphei, Vikas Gupta

Page: 47-50

A Rare Reason of Dyspnea in an Elderly Patient

Mehmet Ozgel

Page: 1-5

Neck Cellulitis an Unusual Presentation of Laryngeal Carcinoma: A Case Report

B. Mas Ayu, S. H. Tan, A. B. Zulkiflee, G. Sakina

Page: 149-153

Acute Mitral Regurgitation after Blunt Chest Trauma: A Case Report

Luan Nguyen Thanh, Trung Tran Minh, Tien Tran Quyet

Page: 102-106

An Interesting Case of Broken Needle

Mahapure Kiran Sunil, Metgud Shrishail Chandrakant

Page: 134-138

The Ileosigmoid Knot as a Rare Cause of Intestinal Occlusion: Report of Two Cases

Fatimazahra Bensardi, Bassam Daif, Ahmed Ballati, Mohamed Ouchane, Othmane Elyamine, Mounir Bouali, Abdelilah Elbakouri, Khalid Elhattabi, Abdelaziz Fadil

Page: 107-112

Rare and Unusual Presentation of a Hydatid Cyst: A Case Report

Abdelilah Elbakouri, Amine Bachar, Ahmed Ballati, Khalid Elhattabi, Fatimazahra Bensardi, Abdelaziz Fadil

Page: 80-85

Laparoscopic Extraperitoneal Repair of Incarcerated Bladder Inguinal Hernia

Fahrettin Acar, Bayram Çolak, Mustafa Sahin

Page: 51-55

Duodenal Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: About Two Cases

A. Elkarouachi, A. Ballati, L. Elattar, Z. Essaidi, S. R. Jai, D. Erguibi, R. Bouffetal, F. Chehab

Page: 154-157

Myofibroblastic Tumours; A Case Report of Nodular Fasciitis

Mehmet Ozgel

Page: 12-15

A Rare Presentation of an Obstructing Metastatic Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Distal Ileum: A Case Report

Islam Khaled, Hany Soliman, Amal Farid, Amr Dorgham

Page: 113-118

The Human Horn

Pon Rachel Vedamanickam

Page: 16-18

A Rare Case of Breast Cancer Metastasis to Oral Cavity Soft Tissue

Jyoti Ranjan Swain, Sunny Jain, Zachariah Chowdhury, Neha Singh, Rishila Majumder

Page: 139-144

A Fatal Presentation of Primary Cutaneous Mucormycosis in an Immunocompetent Adult

Poojitha Yalla, Saumya Bhagat, L. Badareesh, Mary Mathew

Page: 56-60

Colocolic Intussusception on Sigmoid Tumor: Case Report

A. El Bakouri, A. Elkarouachi, M. Bouali, K. Elhattabi, F. Z. Bensardi, A. Fadil

Page: 163-166

Post-traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia Revealed by a Tension Fecopneumothorax (A Case Report)

J. Lamghari, M. Bouali, A. El Bakouri, F. Z. Bensardi, K. El Hattabi, A. Fadil

Page: 145-148

Voluminous Pseudomyxoma of the Thigh Secondary to a Mucinous Tumor of the Appendix

B. Daif, A. Elkarouachi, R. Boufettal, S. R. El Jai, D. Erguibi, F. Chehab, M. Nabih, M. Fadili

Page: 90-95

Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome: A Rare Cause of Duodenal Obstruction (Case Report)

Fatima Zahra Bensardi, Bassam Daif, Abdelillah El Bakouri, Khalid Elhattabi, Abdelaziz Fadil

Page: 61-66

Fournier’s Gangrene in a Female Patient: Rare Case Report

Jothiprasad Venkatesan, T. B. Noufal, Sureeskumar Subramaniam, Sarveswaran Venugopal

Page: 167-170

Multiple Fibroadenomas in Bilateral Breasts of A 20-Year-old Woman – A Rare Case Report

Vinod Atreya, Ashok Kumar Rajpura, Gajendra Singh Rajpoot, Shashi Rai

Page: 19-22

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