Tuberculosis of the Base of the Tongue: A Rare Case Report
Z. Elkrimi
ENT Head and Neck Surgery Department, Ibn Rochd University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco.
C. Rsaissi *
ENT Head and Neck Surgery Department, Ibn Rochd University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco.
W. Bijou
ENT Head and Neck Surgery Department, Ibn Rochd University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco.
Y. Oukessou
ENT Head and Neck Surgery Department, Ibn Rochd University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco.
R. Abada
ENT Head and Neck Surgery Department, Ibn Rochd University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco.
S. Rouadi
ENT Head and Neck Surgery Department, Ibn Rochd University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco.
M. Roubal
ENT Head and Neck Surgery Department, Ibn Rochd University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco.
M. Mahtar
ENT Head and Neck Surgery Department, Ibn Rochd University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
It is estimated that up to 20% of TB cases involve extrapulmonary organs [1]. In the field of otolaryngology, cervical lymphadenitis is the most common disease, accounting for 95% of otolaryngology cases. All other sites, such as the larynx, nasal passages, nasopharynx, pharynx, tonsils, ears, mastoids, or salivary glands each account for less than 1% of all cases [2]. Cases limited to the oropharynx are particularly rare, with the palatine tonsils affected in 45% of cases. The posterior pharyngeal wall, tonsillar columns, lateral walls, soft palate, and tongue are the least likely sites [3].
We report a rare case of extrapulmonary tuberculosis localized at the base of the tongue, discovered incidentally on pet scan of a 61 year old female, that revealed a right hypermetabolic focus at the base of the tongue. The laryngoendoscopy was performed, which was normal, and several deep biopsies were taken. The histopathological exam found a necrotizing tuberculoid inflammatory granulomatous
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) has multiple causes and has become an increasingly important part of TB morbidity during the 20th century. EPTB is evaluated under two specific conditions; when inspecting unexplained fever and biopsy showing granulomatous inflammation of an organ or site of infection [4].
Keywords: Tuberculosis, base of the tongue, treatment, extrapulmonary tuberculosis
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