2022 - Volume 5 [Issue 2]

Case Report

An Unusual Presentation of Gall Bladder Perforation as an Anterior Abdominal Wall Abscess

Shaan Hassan, . Sayema, Atiya Zaka-Ur-Rab, Rajashree Kundu

Page: 322-327

Hemosuccus Pancreaticus: A Rare Case of Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) Bleeding

Waghmare Amol Ankush, Mote Dajiram G., Mohan Abhinav

Page: 499-503

Reccurent Temporomandibular Joint Dislocation: Management by Dautery Procedure: Report of a Case

K. George Varghese, Akhilesh Prathap, R. B. Aiswarya, R. S. Nidhin, Geethu Philo Varghese

Page: 457-462

Fibroadenoma Arising from Axillary Accessory Breast: A Case Report

Nurfarah Nadhira Fadhil, M. Trinyanasuntari, Mohamad Rafie MK, S. Shalini, Sadhana Mahamad

Page: 355-361

Primary Congenital Glaucoma in Mother and Her Son

Duong Dieu

Page: 508-511

Diagnostic Pitfalls of Spigelian Hernia – Case Report

T. Yulugxan, V. S. D. Rodrigo

Page: 413-418

Urinary Tract Endometriosis: Surgical Perspective

Aiman Shaikh, Chandrahas Kurane, Sanjay Purohit, Ranjeet Patil, Moses Ingty

Page: 268-274

Laparoscopic Management of Retroperitoneal Mesenteric Cyst in an Adult – A Case Report

Muvva Sri Harsha, Himanshu Shekhar, N. Vijay, Prasanna Kumar Reddy

Page: 287-293

Non-traumatic Splenic Rupture in Dengue-positive Patient: A Case Report

Nalabolu Shashidhar, Kodenge Raghavendra Rao, Samir Ranjan Nayak

Page: 339-344

Abdominal Compartment Syndrome Following Sigmoidopexy for Sigmoid Volvulus – Significant Role of Flatus Tube and NG Tube: A Case Report

Chishti Tanhar Bakth Choudhury, Md. Golam Afsar, Mahmudur Rahman Khandoker

Page: 512-515

Posterior Perineal Hernia and Its Repair by Combined Laparoscopic-Perineal Approach: Clinical Case Report

Esther Robinson, T. Sathesh Kumar, Sadula Ajith

Page: 419-426

Retained T-tube after CBD Exploration Extracted Laparoscopically: A Case Report

Arun Kumar Mohanty, Sujit Kumar Mohanty, Ramapada Mohapatra, Suraj Ethiraj

Page: 362-365

Management Challenges of Isolated Duodenal Trauma: A Case Report and Literature Review

Prosper Nsengiyumva, Christian Bakunda, Mohamed Absi, Mohamed Amraoui, Abdelkader Errougani, Youness Bakali

Page: 521-525

Case Study

Mesenteric Adenolymphitis Rare Cause of Abdominal Pain Stimulating Acute Appendicitis

A. Elbakouri, N. Fakhiri, Y. Eddaoudi, M. Bouali, K. El Hattabi, F. Z. Bensardi, A. Fadil

Page: 294-298

Atypical Presentation of Pleomorphic Adenoma: Case Report

Edde Dih, Radhi Med El Hafed, Hacen Hamoud, Moulay Elhacen, Ladour A.

Page: 318-321

Intramuscular Abdominal Wall Endometriosis: A Case Study

Salaheddine El Massi, Amal Hajri, Karim Yaqine, Driss Errguibi, Rachid Boufettal, Saad Rifki El Jai, Farid Chehab

Page: 345-348

Rare Association of an Aggressive Giant Cell Tumor with Xeroderma Pigmentosum

A. Alshaikh, E. Bachkira, I. Jadib, O. Hadad, C. Elkassimi, A. Rafaoui, M. Rafai

Page: 516-520

Refractory Thyrotoxicosis: Report of Two Cases and Literature Review

M. S. Baharudin, M. S. Nurshahirah, A. R. Syazwani, W. Suriza War, R. A. Raflis

Page: 371-374

Tuberculosis of the Middle Ear: Case Report

Chebaatha Anas, F. Mourabit, H. Radhi, Y. Oukessou, S. Rouadi, R. Abada, M. Roubal, M. Mahtar

Page: 397-401

Rare Case of Vaginal Leiomyoma – A Diagnostic Challenge to Surgeons and Gynecologists

Swetha Dama, Ganesh Shenoy, M. Ramesh

Page: 427-430

Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum an Elusive Condition for Surgeons: A Case Study

W. J. Wan Izzah, Z. Hazwan, I. Ismayudin, T. Vethunan, S. Khairuzi, A. K. Siti Baizura

Page: 451-456

Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the External Auditory: A Rare Case Presentation

Chebaatha Anas, F. EL Mourabit, H. Radhi, Y. Oukessou, S. Rouadi, R. Abada, M. Roubal, M. Mahtar

Page: 479-484

Goblet Cell Adenocarcinoma Associated with Appendiceal Diverticulum Presenting as Acute Appendicitis

Carlin Ngai, Tint-Tint Shein

Page: 349-354

A Case Report on Virilizing Adrenal Tumor

Shikhil Puzhakkal, Niya Narayanan, Ani Praveen, Pradeep Puthen Veetil

Page: 375-379

Laparoscopic Resection of a Rare Large Spindle Cell Tumor of the Stomach – Schwannoma

Ganesh Shenoy, B. S. Ramesh, Sanjay Natarajan, A. S. Karthik

Page: 402-406

GIST Revealed by Small Bowel Volvulus: Case Report

I. Elazzaoui, M. Lamghari, M. Sabur, A. Maazouz, H. Hablaj, M. Aboulfateh, A. Bensal, M. Najih, M. Moujahid, H. Kaoui, S. M. Bouchentouf, A. Bounaim

Page: 431-434

To Wait or Not: A Case Series on Complicated Diaphragmatic Hernias in Adults

Tanmay Agarwal, Jagram Meena

Page: 485-492

Migrated Feeding Tube: A Rare Complication of Distal Feeding Enteroclysis

Yash Vardhan Sinha, Nalini Kanta Ghosh, Ashish Singh, R. Rahul

Page: 275-280

Large Recurrent Desmoid Tumour over Anterior Abdominal Wall: A Case Report

Vipul Nandu, Geeta Ghag, Saurabh Sanjanwala, Talabadi Parmeshwar, Venkatesh Gadapaga

Page: 328-332

Case Report on Paraduodenal Hernia: Uncommon Cause of a Common Surgical Problem

Munish Trehan, Anubhavv Gupta

Page: 463-467

Our Initial Experience with Combined Endo-Laparoscopic Surgery (CELS) for Removal of a Large Benign Colonic Polyp

Amanda Huimin See, Ong Jianming Calvin, S. Yusof, R. Wijaya

Page: 299-304

Retroperitoneal Rhabdomyosarcoma in a 48 Year Old Male Patient: A Case Report

Zunaira Muzzamil, Khushbakht Shafqat, Iram Muzzamil

Page: 366-370

Gossypiboma Complicating Conservative Treatment of Post-Operative Fistula and a Proposed Classification System

Aremu Isiaka, Agodirin Olayide, Olatoke Samuel, Aremu Latifat

Page: 305-309

Renal Actinomycosis: An Unexpected Diagnosis for Unusual Symptoms

Lovelesh Kumar Nigam

Page: 380-384

Laparoscopic Curative Resection of Synchronous Primary Colon Adenocarcinoma and Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report

Sze Li Siow, Wai Tseung Soo, Guan Chou Teh, Noraini Mohamad, Myo Nyunt

Page: 407-412

Double Appendix: A Rare Case Entity

Sarbjeet Singh, Vikas Chalotra, Abhishek Jain, Tejinder Pal Singh

Page: 435-438

Primary Hepatic Neuroendocrine Tumor with Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Rare Case Report

Basant Mahadevappa, Rohith Muddasetty, Vinu Sankar

Page: 493-498

Rare Polypoid Disease of the Gastro Intestinal Tract– Cronkhite–Canada Syndrome

V. B. Pathirana, R. V. Paranamanna, R. M. G. Rathnayaka

Page: 281-286

Post Cholecystectomy Cholecysto-Cutaneous Fistula with Concomitant Common Bile Duct Stone: A rare case study

Adianto Nugroho, Perwira Widianto, Indah Jamtani, Rofi Y. Saunar

Page: 333-338

Squamous Odontogenic Tumor Mimicking an Intra-Osseous Malignancy: A Rare Case Report

Garima Rawat, Hema Malini Aiyer

Page: 468-473

Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia Presenting with Gut Gangrene in Acute Phase: A Case Report

Tanmay Agarwal, Jagram Meena

Page: 474-478

Caecal Volvulus: A Fairly Frequent Emergency of Acute Intestinal Obstruction

Mounir Bouali, Kabira Falousse, Amine Fatine, Abdelilah El-Bakouri, Khalid El-Hattabi, Fatima Zahra Bensardi, Abdelaziz Fadil

Page: 504-507

Foreign Body of the Infratemporal Fossa: A Case Report

Edde Dih, Hamed Bamine, Abida Mougueya

Page: 310-313

Positional Vertigo and Arachnoid Cyst of the Ponto-cerebellar Angle: A Case Report

Chebaatha Anas, R. Hafed, S. Halily, Y. Oukessou, S. Rouadi, R. Abada, M. Roubal, M. Mahtar

Page: 385-390

Intraperitoneal Textiloma: A Case Report

A. Bachar, N. Fakhiri, T. El Abbassi, MR. Lefriyekh

Page: 314-317

Midgut Volvulus with Intestinal Malrotation in an Adult: A Case Report

Sachin Arora, Rohit Dhawan, Gopal Krishna Dwivedi, Shivam Sharma, Aradhana Singh

Page: 391-396

Idiopathic Post-gastropexy Ileo-Ileal Intussusception: A Case Report and Review of Literature

Ahmed Nosseir, Mohammad Daboos, Samir Gouda, Refaat Ibrahim, Ahmed Salama, Islam Makhlouf

Page: 444-450

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